Most merchants pay between 3-4% plus other fees like statement fees, pci fees, and annual fees. Business owners are losing 3-4% on all sales paid by credit cards. Our dual pricing model eliminates all fees you pay for accepting credit cards. This is done by passing on the fees, the 4%, to the customer for using their credit card as a payment.
Gas stations have been using this program for many years. If you pay with cash, it costs less per gallon compared to if you pay with credit card.
Dual Pricing programs are legal in all 50 states per the Durbin Amendment, which states that businesses are permitted to offer a discount to customers as an incentive for paying with cash.
Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on the hospitality industry, especially restaurants. Restaurants need to adapt in order to stay afloat. One easy way to save money and increase profit is by implementing our Dual Pricing program.
sample statement
All statements reflect $0 fees. Including pci, statement, and annual fees.
We guarantee no fees, you pay zero!!
This merchant saved $2027.57 this month alone! That's $24,330.84 a year!!!
Best of all, no contracts, month to month!
credit card vouchers
Our state of the art technology & software makes transactions seemless and 100% legal in all 50 states. All checks must reflect cash and credit card prices.
Fork n knife tracks all sales with breakdowns such as tax, tips, and credit card fees. Making one report easy to understand. Best of all, next day funding!